Este curso 2018-2019 nuestra fiel compañera del curso, la revista «Camelot», estuvo dedicada a la historia y a la literatura de películas. Fue muy original e interesante y creemos que merece la pena que inviertas un rato en sumergirte en sus páginas….
Aquí te dejamos la introducción a la estupenda agenda que tuvo lugar durante esa semana tan especial y más abajo todas las actividades que se dieron cita:
It is said that the main purpose in knowing about our history is to learn from our own mistakes so that we never repeat them again, something that we also learn in the work of our greatest writers. On the one hand, humankind seems to be a very bad student as far as this is concerned, since for millennia we have been prone to repeat our mistakes over and over again. On the other hand, we would like to think that maybe this purpose says something very pessimistic about us, as it is also nice to look back on our past and see, and learn from, all the good things we have achieved, to rejoice on our progress as a species. For, you may truly believe it, we have done great things, and we should be proud of them as much as, or even more than, we are embarrassed by our failures.This year the Bilingual Section at IES Montevil suggested that our students searched how History and Literature are used or adapted in the Cinema, considering that, at their young age, they are better prepared than adults to see humankind with new, clean eyes, and probably admire their achievements much more and clearly see where we as a species went wrong… Once again we have been overwhelmed by their response. With the help of their teachers, they have travelled through different times and have been witnesses of the horrors of different wars, dictatorships, the work of evil characters, both historic and fictional… They have been present at the birth and development of nations. They have learned from the great people who described past hardships. They have seen how great musicians can influence their time or how music can be used to give new life to classics. They have acknowledged how our folklore can be modernised and how numbers can be a powerful language for fiction. They have admired the will and endurance of those who fought for freedom and the welfare of humanity, as well as the achievements of the people who have made us advance morally, physically and technologically….To sum up, they have learned from the great people who, through their writings, works and lives have made us, for better or for worse, what we are now. Let’s hope that from now on, this younger generation can only make us better. Their work here is a good start.
- Thursday 9th May, 12.30 and 13.25
Film soundtracks , concert by Diego Ena, pianist, and Raquel Gil violinist and teacher of music
- : 1ESO C /D ; 2ESO C/E 25: 1ESO E/F; 2ESO D/F
- Monday 13th May , “Games of Thrones”, talk by Cristina Macía.
11.35: 3ESO (bilingual section) 13,25: 2ESO (bilingual section)
“Artificial Intelligence”, talk by Ian Watson
12.30 : 4ESO(bilingual section)
- Monday 20th May, Gijón International Film Festival comes to IES Montevil, talk by Mª José Álvarez Sierra, coordinator of this festival
11:35: 1 ESO (bilingual section)
- Monday 20th May, 17:00
Presentation of issue 9 of literary journal “Camelot”, with the students and teachers of the bilingual section of IES Montevil, and the headmaster Mr. César Suárez.
Introduction to activities by students of 4th ESO
Musical performances by students of 1st , 3rd ESO and 4th ESO.
Sketches by students of 1st and 2nd ESO.
Dance and choreographies , by students of 4th ESO
Presentation of the Awards for the Photo Competition about the 4th ESO’s Bilingual Trip to Ireland.
Presentation of the Awards for the 8th Short Story Competition “José Luis Gorjón”.
- Thursday, 23rd May, “Irish music and Films”, talk by Ángel Iglesias, English teacher and music expert.
All the acts will take place in the Assembly Room at IES Montevil, except those on Monday 20th afternnon, which will be held in the auditorium at CMI Pumarin Gijón Sur.
Pincha en cada foto para ver más grandes las instantáneas tomadas durante esa semana en nuestro instituto y en el botón de la derecha para ver el vídeo perteneciente a la charla“Irish music and Films”:
Pincha en el botón y podrás acceder a todas las fotos que se tomaron el día de la presentación de la revista el 20 de mayo en el centro integrado Gijón Sur:
También tienes a tu disposición los vídeos que se hicieron en dicha presentación:
«Actividad subvencionada por la Fundación Municipal de Cultura, Educación y Universidad Popular del Ayuntamiento de Gijón/Xixón«.